The Willard Hotel an Illustrated History | Special Book Bound in Leather | Bespoke Bookbinding
The Willard Hotel an Illustrated History | Special Book Bound in Leather | Bespoke Bookbinding
The Willard Hotel has been the home of presidents, visiting heads of state, and for over 100 years the stopping point for those who make history. Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Nathaniel Hawthorn and every president since Zachary Taylor have been guests. Julia Ward Howe wrote The Battle Hymn of the Republic on hotel stationery, and it was in the Willard lobby that U.S. Grant, bothered by office seekers, coined the term LOBBYIST. This book traces the history through prose and pictures chronicling the hotel's growth and development, good times and hard times, showing why it holds a special place in our past and our hearts.
Your copy will have marbled end papers and a ribbon marker. It will be covered in leather with gold bits. We are able to personalize this and title it in gold.