Special Commission | Original Oil and Acrylic Painting on Canvas | Custom Message | Unique Gift of Art
Special Commission | Original Oil and Acrylic Painting on Canvas | Custom Message | Unique Gift of Art
Special Commission | Fabulous DC Paintings | Washington, DC Art | Original Oil and Acrylic Painting on Canvas by Zachary Sasim
Views of the Capitol, Lincoln Memorial, White House, Washington Monument, Union Station, Jefferson Memorial, Washington National Cathedral, Georgetown, Potomac River, Georgetown University, Key Bridge
A unique impressionistic style that is marked by a wild and passionate play of colors and is created by combining traditional brush strokes and palette knife techniques.
Available in assorted sizes. Our thin stretcher frames require framing. A simple wood frame (approximately $250 additional) would be suggested.
The smallest version is offered in a thin stretcher frame as well as our thicker museum canvas (approximately 2 3/8inches).
Additional sizes are offered in our thicker museum canvas only.
The sides of the museum canvas will be painted a solid colour coordinating with the art.
The larger rectangular versions may have more of one side or the other from the original long and thin version ...your choice.
Certificate of Authenticity may be included.
- The right-hand side could be a perfect location for a message written in extra fat black permanate marker.
- On the back of the canvas, we can have the artist sign and date with your message and an indication that this was a special commission (you may select the language)
If there are special alterations you have in mind we will include them.
Please allow us to know how we may assist you.
STUDIO BURKE DC | Art at 1619 K Street | Washington, DC | 1.202.331.4224 | Enquiries@StudioBurkeDC.com