How does an English Bespoke Tailor sew on Blazer Buttons with a Round Shaft properly?
Our Benson & Clegg Blazer Buttons are the finest in the world.
Please have them sewn on properly!
Many of our Blazer Buttons attach to the blazer with a round, metal shank. Without knowledge of how this is done, it is quite tricky to have the non working buttons lay properly. We recently spoke in this regard with Mark Gordon, President of Benson & Clegg.
The following includes his suggestions:
The ideal way to put the buttons onto the blazer is to ‘plug’ them, which is where non working buttons have the shank of the button (the loop on the back) pushed through the fabric and are sewn from the inside of the jacket. In order to do this the lining must be removed and then stitched back. Ideally this should be done by a professional such as a bespoke tailor or alterations tailor. The working buttons can be sewn directly onto the top of the jacket as they will need some room in order to allow the jacket to fasten.
STUDIO BURKE DC | Enquiries@StudioBurkeDC.con | +1.202.331.4224